Saturday, January 28, 2012


Oleh : Drs. Tony Sartono Asmara

Adverb adalah kata keterangan. Fungsinya menerangkan kata kerja.
Perhatikan kalimat-kalimat berikut!

                    John always has breakfast at 6 o’clock
                    John always has breakfast in the kitchen
                    John has breakfast quickly

Frase yang bercetak tebal, yaitu at 6 o’clock, at 6 o’clock, quickly adalah Adverb (keterangan) yang menerangkan kata kerja “has breakfast”.

“at 6 o’clock” menerangkan “waktu” makan (time), “in the kitchen” menerangkan “tempat” makan (place), dan “quickly” menerangkan “cara” makan (manner).

Clause adalah Klausa atau anak kalimat. Anak kalimat terdiri dari kata sambung + S + P + O + K. Letaknya sesudah atau sebelum Induk Kalimat.

Kesimpulan :

Adverb Clause adalah anak kalimat yang terdiri dari kata sambung diikuti S + P + O + K dan berfungsi sebagai kata keterangan, tugasnya menerangkan kata kerja.

Kata kerja yang diterangkannya terdapat pada Induk kalimat.

Keterangan waktu dari contoh kalimat di atas yaitu  at 6 o’clock” dapat kita ganti atau kita perluas dengan menggunakan Adverb Clause yang maknanya sama, yaitu menerangkan waktu, misalnya “before he goes to school”. Maka kalimatnya menjadi :

John always has breakfast at 6 o’clock
John always has breakfast before he goes to school

“John always has breakfast” adalah Induk Kalimat, dan “before he goes to school” adalah Anak Kalimat. Kalimat yang terdiri dari Induk kalimat dan anak kalimat disebut Kalimat Majemuk Bertingkat.

Polanya :
                        S   +   P   +  O   +   K  +  KS   +   S   +   P  +  O  +  K

                        John always has breakfast before he goes to school

Anak Kalimat dapat ditempatkan di awal kalimat, seperti :

                        KS   +    S  +   P   +   O,  KS +  S   +   P   +   O   +  K

                        Before John goes to school, he always has breakfast

before he goes to school”adalah Adverb clause yang menerangkan kata kerja yang terdapat pada Induk kalimatnya yaitu “has”. Adverb clause tersebut menerangkan waktu John makan pagi. Jadi yang diterangkan adalah waktunya.

Keterangan yang menerangkan kata kerja itu terdiri dari Adverb Clause of :

            1. Time (Waktu)                            6. Condition (Syarat)
            2. Place (Tempat)                          7. Purpose (Maksud)
            3. Manner (Cara)                           8. Result (Hasil)
            4. Reason (Alasan)                       9. Contingency (Kemungkinan)
            5. Concession (Perlawanan)      10.Comparison (Perbandingan)

Masing-masing anak kalimat di atas memiliki kata-kata sambung yang berbeda-beda. Berikut ini adalah kata-kata sambung dari Adverb Clauses tersebut berikut contoh-contohnya.

1. Adverb Clause of Time

    Kata-kata sambungnya : when, whenever, while, as soon as, since, 
    before, after, till / until,as long as
    Contoh :
                        I shall do that when I have time
                        My dog comes whenever I call
                        While I was sitting there, he came up to me
                        As soon as every one was ready, I gave the signal
                        I hope to pay him a visit before I go away
                        I go to school after I have my breakfast
                        As I was going down the road, I met Tom
                        Be sure to stay here until I come
                        I haven’t seen him since I came back

2. Adverb Clause of Place

     Kata-kata sambungnya : where, wherever, as far as, as near as
     Contoh :

                        He wants to go where nobody can find him
                        I will go whevever you want me to go
                        I shall come as far as I can
                        Go as near as you like to him. He does not bite

3. Adverb Clause of Manner

     Kata-kata sambungnya : as (seperti), as if / as though (seakan-akan)
     Contoh :

                        You ought to write as I do
                        He does very much as he likes
                        Once my father is away, I shall do as I like
                        That dog looks as if it wanted something to eat
                        He did it as though he had never done it before

4. Adverb Clause of Reason

     Kata-kata sambungnya : because, as, since, for, now that, seeing that.
     Contoh :

                        I did not go to school because I was sick
                        As there was no one there, I went back
                        I needn’t tell you as he has told you already
                        Since you were not, I cancelled the plan
                        Now that he has left, there is nothing more to do
                        Seeing that we are all here, we might as well begin
5. Adverb Clause of Concession

     Kata-kata sambungnya : although, though, even if, in spite of the fact 
     that, however.
     Contoh :

                        Although he was sick, he went to school yesterday
                        I don’t think he’ll come though he said he might
                        Even if he tried hard, he failed in the exams
                        He won’t manage it however hard he tries
                        He is coming today in spite of the fact that I distinctly told him
                        I didn’t want him
                        However happy he is, he never smiles

6. Adverb Clause of Condition

     Kata-kata sambungnya : if (jika), unless (jika … tidak)
     Polanya :

                        I will come to the party if she invites me
                        I will not come to the party if she does not invite me
                        Your parents will be happy if you are diligent
                        Your parents will not be happy if you are not diligent
                        If she invites me, I will come to the party
                        If she does not invite me, I will not come to the party
                        If you are diligent, your parents will be happy
                        If you are not diligent, your parents will not be happy  

Unless = If …. not

Bila anak kalimatnya negative (if….not), kata sambungnya dapat diganti dengan “unless”. Perubahannya adalah sebagai berikut :

            I will not come to the party if she does not invite me
            I will not come to the party unless she invites me
            Your parents will not be happy if you are not diligent
            Your parents will not be happy unless you are diligent
            If she does not invite me, I will not come to the party
            Unless she invites me, I will not come to the party
            If you are not diligent, your parents will not be happy  
            Unless you are diligent, your parents will not be happy

Kata-kata sambung lainnya adalah :

    if only, supposing, provided that, as long as, so long as,  on condition 
    that, or, or else, otherwise
    Contoh :

                        We would all be happy if only he hadn’t made that mistake 
                        You won’t be successful unless you work hard
                        Supposing you failed the test, what would you do?
                        You may borrow the car provided that you return it tomorrow
                        I don’t mind where you go as long as you let me know

7. Adverb Clause of Purpose

     Kata-kata sambungnya : so that, in order that (= supaya)
     Contoh :

                        I do it like this so that it may look better
                        I have written it very clearly so that he can read it easily
                        He always leave the house very early in order that he might not
                        lose the first train
                        They always walk to school in order that they may get plenty
                        of exercise

8. Adverb Clause of Result

                                              (begitu)                                    (sehingga)
     Kata-kata sambungnya :      so      + Adjective/ Adverb + that
                                                such    +         noun +               that
     Contoh :

                        The test was so difficult that nobody could do it well
                        It was such a difficult test that nobody could do it well
                        John is so clever that all the teachers like him
                        John is such a clever student that all the teachers like him
                        I was so tired that I could not continue working

9. Adverb Clause of Contingency
    Kata-kata sambungnya : in case, for fear, less
    Contoh :

            You had better take someone with you in case you lose your way
            I took a good meal before I went for fear I should not be able to
            get any food there
            They decided to retreat at once lest they should be cut off from the
            main force
            I had better bring an umbrella in case it rains

10.Adverb Clause of Comparison

     Kata-kata sambungnya : as + Adjective / Adverb + as (+)
                                             so + Adjective / Adverb + as (-)
                                                                comparative + than
            Contoh :

                        He does it as well as I do
                        He does not do it so well as I do
                        He does it better than I do
                        It is quite as good as I thought
                        There are not so many people here as I expected
                        I don’t think this hill is so high as that one is

Perhatikan kalimat-kalimat berikut :

                        The weather was bad. They went out last night

Kalimat yang menyatakan perlawanan seperti ini dapat digabungkan dengan beberapa kata sambung, diantaranya :  but, still / yet, nevertheless, although / though, inspite of, despite, however. Hasil gabungannya adalah :

                        The weather was bad, but they went out last night
                        The weather was bad, yet they went out last night
                        Although the weather was bad, they went out last night
                        In spite of the bad weather, they went out last night
                        Despite the bad weather, they went out last night
                        However bad the weather was, they went out last night

Perhatikan kalimat-kalimat berikut :

                        The weather was bad. They did not out last night

Kalimat yang mengandung pengertian sebab akibat seperti ini dapat digabungkan dengan beberapa kata sambung, diantaranya : so, therefore, thus, hence, concequently, because, because of, due to. Hasil gabungannya adalah :

                        The weather was bad, so they did not go out last night
                        The weather was bad, therefore they did not go out last 
                        Because the weather was bad, they did not go out last 
                        Because of the bad weather, they did not go out last night
                        They did not go out list night due to the bad weather

Perhatikan kalimat-kalimat berikut :

You must study hard. If you don’t, you will fail the test

Kalimat yang menyatakan pilihan (Choice) di atas dapat diubah susunannya tanpa mengubah artinya, yaitu dengan menggunakan kata-kata sambung : Unless, or, or else, otherwise. Hasil gabungannya adalah :

                        You must study hard, or you will fail the test
                        You must study hard, or else you will fail the test
                        You must study hard, otherwise you will fail the test

Contoh lain :

                        You must not go out. If you do, you will be sick
                        You must not go out, or /otherwise, you will be sick

11. Additional Information ( Informasi tambahan )

Keterangan atau informasi tambahan dapat disampaikan dengan menggunakan kata-kata sambung : besides, moreover, in addition. Kata-kata sambung mempunyai arti : “lagi pula, tambahan pula.”
Contoh :

                        The weather is bad. They don’t want to go out

Kita juga dapat mengatakan :

                        The weather is bad, besides they don’t want to go out
Contoh lain :

                        I can’t go now; I am busy. Besides I have no money
                        Rina won’t go to Bali, besides she has been there already

Besides” as Preposition

Selain sebagai kata sambung, Besides juga dapat berfungsi sebagai kata depan (Preposition). Oleh karena itu, “Besides” dapat diikuti kata benda atau kata kerja yang dibendakan (Gerund). “Besides” artinya “selain”
Contoh :

                        Besides cooking, the servant has to look after the garden
                        Besides this house, John has an apartment in Jakarta
                        Beside being good at sport, Rudi is a good student

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