Saturday, January 28, 2012

ELLIPTIC SENTENCE (Kalimat Majemuk Setara)

Oleh : Drs. Tony Sartono Asmara

Kalimat Majemuk Setara adalah kalimat yang terdiri dari dua kalimat tunggal atau lebih yang digabungkan dengan kata sambung AND, BUT, OR. Bila dalam kalimatnya terdapat unsur-unsur yang sama, maka salah satu unsur yang sama itu dapat dihilangkan untuk menghindari pengulangan sehingga susunannya menjadi lebih sederhana. Kalimat yang disederhanakan itu disebut Kalimat Eliptik.
Contoh :

My mother likes roses. Rina likes roses
My mother and Rina like roses

My father doesn't like coffee. Rudi doesn't like coffee
My father and Rudi don't like coffee

Mr Harun buys radios. He sells radios
Mr Harun buys and sells radios

Nita collects stamps. She collects old coins
Nita collects stamps and old coins


Mira likes roses. Tanti does not like roses.
Mira likes roses. but Tanti doesn't

Andi doesn't like milk. Anto likes milk.
Andi doesn't like milk, but Anto does

Mr Saini is poor. Mr Saini is happy.
Mr Saini is poor but happy

He speaks English slowly. He speaks English clearly
He speaks Englsih slowly but clearly

She opened the door widely. She did not go in
She opened the door widely but did not go in


John will come here. Mary will come here
John or Mary will come here

John will stay at home. He will visit the library
John will stay at home or visit the library

John will come here on Sunday. He will come here on Monday
                                    John will come here on Sunday or on Monday


Kalimat-kalimat yang digabungkan dengan AND juga dapat digabungkan  dengan Too dan So bila kalimatnya  positip. Too = Juga. So = Begitu juga.
Polanya adalah :
1.      S + V + O, and S  + Auxiliary Verb, + too

2.   S + V + O, and so + Auxiliary Verb  + S

Sedangkan untuk kalimat-kalimat negative kita harus menggunakan Either 
dan Neither. Either = Juga. Neither = Begitu juga.
Polanya adalah :
1.      S + V + O, and S  + Auxiliary Verb + not, + either

2.   S + V + O, and neither + Auxiliary Verb  + S


  1. Apabila pada kalimat sebelumnya menggunakan to be, maka kita harus menggunakan to be lagi

  1. Apabila pada kalimat sebelumnya menggunakan Modals seperti can, may, must, shall, will, dsb, maka kita harus menggunakan Modals lagi

3.   Apabila pada kalimat sebelumnya tidak menggunakan to be ataupun Modals, maka kita harus menggunakan DO/DOES atau DID

Contoh :

John is a student. Mary is a student.
John is a student, and Mary is, too
John is a student, and so is Mary

Rudi can speak English. Anto can speak English
Rudi can speak English, and Anto can, too
Rudi can speak English, and so can Anto

My mother likes roses. Rina likes roses.
My mother likes roses, and Rina does, too
My mother likes roses, and so does Rina

Contoh :

John is not busy today. Mary is not busy today
John is not busy today, and Mary isn't, either
John is not busy today, and neither is Mary

Rudi cannot speak English. Anto cannot speak English
Rudi cannot speak English, and Anto can't, either
Rudi cannot speak Englsih, and neither can Anto

My mother does not like roses. Rina does not like roses
My mother does not like roses, and Rina doesn't, either
My mother does not like roses, and neither does Rina

Selamat Belajar

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