Sunday, January 29, 2012


Oleh : Drs. Tony Sartono Asmara

Ada beberapa pola kalimat yang bisa diubah susunannya dengan menggu-
nakan  It  dan  pengertiannya  masih  tetap  sama.  Pola-pola  kalimat  itu 
adalah :

1. Kalimat yang dimulai dengan to-infinitive / to-infinitive phrase. Caranya : 
    Mulailah kalimatnya dengan “It” sebagai subjectnya. Kemudian ikuti dengan
    predikat. To-infinitivenya diletakan di akhir kalimat.
    Contoh :
                        To steal is wrong
                        It is wrong to steal

                        To smoke too much is bad
                        It is bad to smoke too much

2. Subject pada anak kalimatnya dimulai dengan to-infinitive / phrase
    Caranya : Tulis kembali induk kalimatnya, ikuti dengan “it”.  Lalu tulis 
    predikatnya  dan   to-infinitivenya  ditempatkan di  akhir kalimat. Kata 
    sambung “that” dan “to be” nya dihilangkan.
    Perhatikan perubahannya :

                        I think that to steal is wrong
                        I think it wrong to steal

                        I believe that to smoke too much is bad
                        I believe it bad to smoke too much

3. Subjectnya Noun Clause, yaitu  dimulai dengan kata sambung :  that,
    whether, dan seluruh kata tanya, seperti : what, where, when dsb.
     Contoh :

             That he could not pass the test is strange
             It is strange that he could not pass the test

             Whether he will come here or not is doubtful
             It is doubtful whether he will come here or not

             Where he will go is not my business
             It is not my business where he will go

4. Subject  pada  induk  kalimatnya adalah :  People atau They. Caranya : 
    Ubah induk kalimatnya menjadi kalimat Pasif, yaitu : to be + V3. Mulailah 
    kalimatnya dengan It sebagai  subjectnya.  Lalu  ikuti dengan to be + 
    V3.  Anak kalimatnya ditulis kembali.
    Perhatikan perubahannya :

            They hope that the President will arrive tomorrow
            It is hoped that the President will arrive tomorrow

            People said that he had escaped through the back door
            It was said that he had escaped through the back door

Kalimatnya menggunakan kata-kata kerja : seem, look,appear, happen +  
to-infinitive seperti :

                        The students seem to understand this lesson
                        Tanti happens to be busy today

Pola kata-kata kerjanya berubah menjadi :

            It    +    look   +  that  +  S  +  V  +  O + K

             It seems that the students understand this lesson

             It happens that Tanti is busy today

6. Emphasis (Penegasan)

    Untuk memberikan Penegasan (Emphasis) pada Subject atau Object

    Perhatikan kalimat di bawah ini!

                        John bought a book yesterday

    Untuk  menegaskan  Subject yaitu  John, di  dalam bahasa Indonesianya 
    kita katakan

                        “Johnlah yang membeli buku kemarin”.

    Di dalam bahasa Inggris, polanya adalah :

             It + tobe + Subject + who + V + O + K

                It was John who bought a book yesterday

Untuk menegaskan Object, yaitu a book atau yesterday, polanya  adalah :

             It + tobe + Object + that + S  + V + O + K

               It was a book that John bought yesterday
               ( Bukulah yang John beli kemarin )

               It was yesterday that John bought a book
               ( Kemarinlah John membeli buku )

   Contoh lain :

               I visit the library twice a week
               It is I who visit the library twice a week ( subject )

               It is the library that I visit twice a week ( object )
               It is twice a week that I visit the library ( object )



A. Ubahlah dengan menggunakan  Impersonal "IT".

Contoh :  To speak is easy.
Jawab   :  It is easy to speak

  1. To smoke in the cinema is forbidden.
  2. To cheat in examinations is wrong.
  3. To make the same mistake twice is unforgivable.
  4. To refuse invitations is not always easy.
  5. To come to school early is better for you.
  6. To obey the laws is everyone's duty.
  7. To read in bad lights is not good.
  8. To write with left hand is more difficult.
  9. To study hard before the exams is advisable for the     students
10. To have a driving-licence is important for every driver.


Ubahlah dengan menggunakan  Impersonal "IT".
Contoh :

                           I think that to cheat in examinations is wrong.
            Jawab  :  I think it wrong to cheat in examinations.

 1. I believe that  to  get up early in the morning is good  for  the health.
 2. I think that to climb a mountain without a guide is very foolish.
 3. All  teachers  consider that to cheat during  the  test is wrong.
 4. I find  that to practise English every day is important  for  the students.
 5. I suppose that to know the laws of the country is  important  for everyone.
 6. They consider that to fly by night is perfectly safe.
 7. I think that to have a handsome husband is easy for a rich widow.
 8. I suppose that to go out alone at night is dangerous for  a girl.


Ubahlah dengan menggunakan  Impersonal "IT".
Contoh :
                        That he did not pass the test is strange.
    Jawab  :        It is strange that he did not pass the test.

  1. That he has not yet arrived is surprising to me.
  2. That he failed the test is unbelievable.
  3. That he will return tomorrow seems very improbable.
  4. How the burglars got away remains a mistery.
  5. Where the pilot finally managed to land is not yet known.
  6. What the speaker said was difficult for us to follow.
  7. Whether he will be able to come here or not is doubtful.
  8. Whether we start now or later does not matter.
  9. Whether he really meant what he said is difficult to judge
10. That you could not come to the party last night was a pity.


Ubahlah dengan menggunakan  Impersonal "IT".
Contoh :
                        They say that he is jealous of her.
     Jawab  :       It is said that he is jealous of her.

  1. People expect that the cost of living will rise sharply this year.
  2. They hope that Mr Dahlan will arrive in Bandung next week.
  3. People say that Mr Dudung is having an affair with his secretary.
  4. They thought that the bank robber was hiding in this area.
  5. People say that the patient is recovering rapidly from his illness
  6. They report that the astronauts were circling the moon.
  7. People believed that the murder had occured at three o'clock.
  8. They reported that Steve Mc Queen is sufferring from cancer
  9. People reported that the plane had crashed into a mountain.
10. They  thought  that the stranger had left the country  early  this morning.


Ubahlah dengan menggunakan  Impersonal "IT".
Contoh :
                        The children seem to be tired.
    Jawab  :        It seems that the children are tired

  1. Mary seems to be angry with you.
  2. Bob seemed to be surprised at the news last night.
  3. The students seemed to be unable to solve the problem.
  4. They seem to be afraid of the teacher.
  5. John appears to have many friends in Bandung.
  6. Sri happened to be out when I called her last night.
  7. The guards seem to have been bribed by the workers.
  8. The guests seem to be enjoying the party now.
  9. The  servant happened to be sleeping soundly when the thief broke into 
      the house.
10. The students appear to have understood the lesson


Ubahlah dengan menggunakan  Impersonal "IT".

  1. To study English abroad is my ambition.
  2. To be alone at weekends is really boring.
  3. I think that to be prepared before the test is advisable.
  4. That she could answer all the questions is strange.
  5. People  reported that the bank robber had been caught.
  6. The students seem to worry about the final test.
  7. What I am going to do is not your business.
  8. To listen to the story of her adventure was exciting.
  9. To live in a big city like Jakarta is very costly.
10. Whether she could finish the test is doubtful to me.


Berilah penekanan pada bagian-bagian  kalimat yang bercetak miring.
Contoh :
                        I met John at school yesterday.
    Jawab  :        It was John that I met at school yesterday.

  1. I saw him in the street only last week.
  2. The doctors make all the money.
  3. I hope to go to the cinema tonight.
  4. I want to meet your sister tonight.
  5. I first got to know her five months ago.
  6. The girl found the purse under the table.
  7. Mira gave him the wrong number by mistake.
  8. The teacher punished Budi in order to teach him a lesson.
  9. He is angry because you have lost all the money
10. I received the money from my parents last week


Berilah penegasan terhadap kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini
Contoh :
                        Joko repaired my car yesterday. Nobody else did.
     Jawab  :       It was Joko who repaired my car yesterday.

  1. I helped John do the homework last night. Nobody else did.
  2. Nobody picked her up last night except Tom.
  3. I met Bob here this morning. I didn't meet anybody else.
  4. I want to live with nobody else but you.
  5. I asked John to do the homework. I didn't ask anybody else
  6. I bought a bag at the shop. I didn't buy anything else.
  7. I don't want to tell anybody else about this except to Mira.
  8. He gave me nothing else yesterday except this parcel.
  9. Nobody brought her a present last night except Yudi.
10. You will not get this thing anywhere else except in Bali.

Selamat Belajar

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