Sunday, January 29, 2012



     Oleh : Drs. Tony Sartono Asmara

CAN/COULD                     =  DAPAT, BOLEH, MUNGKIN
MAY/MIGHT                       =  BOLEH, MUNGKIN
MUST                                =  HARUS, PASTI
MUSTN’T                           =  TIDAK BOLEH
WILL/WOULD                   =  AKAN, MAU
SHALL                                =  AKAN
SHAN’T                              =  TIDAK AKAN
SHOULD                            =  SEHARUSNYA
SHOULDN’T                      =  SEHARUSNYA TIDAK
OUGHT TO                        =  SEHARUSNYA
OUGHTN’T TO                  =  SEHARUSNYA TIDAK
HAVE TO/HAD TO             =  HARUS


            Kata-kata kerja bantu di atas harus diikuti bentuk Infinitive (kata kerja 
            dasar) : V1 atau be. Jadi pola ke lima kata kerjanya adalah :


    Predikat untuk kalimat Nominal yang diawali Modals / Auxiliary Verbs adalah
    Pola kalimat Nominal :   S  +  MODAL + be  +  C +  K
    C = Complement (Pelengkap Subject)
   Be” artinya : ada / berada, menjadi, - (tidak diterjemahkan)

     Di dalam kalimat Bertanya (Interrogative) Modalsnya dipindahkan ke depan 
     kalimat sebelum  Subject  dan  di  dalam  kalimat  Menyangkal ( Negative ) 
     Modalsnya ditambah “not”
    Contoh :      
                        Mereka seharusnya berada di rumah sebelum jam 10
                        They  should be at home before 10 0’clock

                        Apakah mereka seharusnya berada di rumah sebelum jam 
                        Should they be at home before 10 o’clock?

                        Mereka tidak seharusnya berada di rumah sebelum jan 10
                        They should not be at home before 10 o’clock

                        Jam berapa mereka seharusnya berada di rumah?
                        What time should they be at home?

Dialogue :

                        Andi : Can you be at home before 10 o’clock tonight?
                        Budi : No, I can’t be at home before 10 o’clock tonight
                        Andi : What time can you be at home tonight?
                        Budi : I can be at home before 11 o’clock

2. KALIMAT VERBAL (aktif) dalam bentuk Simple : (me,mem,ber, -…)

     Pola dasar                 : S   +   MODAL + V   +  O  +   K

      Bila predikatnya di awali Modals / Auxiliary Verbs, maka kata kerjanya 
      harus dalam bentuk dasar : V1
      Polanya adalah :                                   
                                  S  +  MODAL + V1  +  O  +  K
Kalimat Verbal ini tidak boleh menggunakan to be sama sekali!
      Di dalam kalimat Bertanya (Interrogative) Modalsnya dipindahkan ke depan 
      kalimat  sebelum  Subject  dan  di  dalam  kalimat Menyangkal (Negative) 
      Modalsnya ditambah “not”                    
      Contoh :
Rudi seharusnya mencuci mobilnya besok pagi
Rudi should wash his car tomorrow morning

Apakah Rudi seharusnya mencuci mobilnya besok pagi?
Should Rudi wash his car tomorrow morning?

Rudi tidak seharusnya mencuci mobilnya besok pagi
Rudi should not wash his car tomorrow morning

Kapan Rudi seharusnya mencuci mobilnya?
When should Rudi wash his car?
       Dialogue :        
                                 Andi : The car is dirty. Will you wash the car now?
                                 Budi : I’m very busy. I cannot wash the car now
                                 Andi : When will you wash the car?
                                 Budi : I think I will wash the car tomorrow


      Predikat kalimat verbal ada yang harus menggunakan to be dan ada juga yang tidak  boleh menggunakan to be.

  1. VERBAL (Aktif) dalam bentuk Continuous: (sedang me,mem,ber, -…)
     Pola      :                    S + MODAL + be  + V1 + ing + O + K
     Contoh :
                                 Rudi seharusnya sedang mencuci mobilnya besok
                           Rudi should be washing his car tomorrow

                           Apakah Rudi seharusnya sedang mencuci mobilnya 
                           Should Rudi be washing his car tomorrow?

                           Rudi tidak seharusnya sedang mencuci mobilnya besok
                           Rudi should not be washing his car tomorrow

                           Apa yang seharusnya Rudi sedang lakukan besok?
                           What should Rudi be doing tomorrow?

  1. VERBAL (Pasif) dalam bentuk Simple :  (… di…)
     Pola      :                  S +  MODAL + be  + V3 + by O + K
     Contoh :
                                 Mobil itu seharusnya dicuci oleh Rudi besok
                           The car should be washed by Rudi tomorrow

                           Apakah mobil itu seharusnya dicuci oleh Rudi besok?
                           Should the car be washed by Rudi tomorrow?

                           Mobil itu tidak seharusnya dicuci oleh Rudi besok
                           The car should not be washed by Rudi tomorrow

                           Kapan mobil itu seharusnya dicuci oleh Rudi?
                           When should the car be washed by Rudi?

3. VERBAL (Pasif) dalam bentuk Continuous  :  (sedang di……)

    Pola      :                   S +  MODAL + be  + being + V3 + by O + K
    Contoh :
                                 Mobil itu seharusnya sedang dicuci oleh Rudi besok
                           The car should be being washed by Rudi tomorrow

                           Apakah mobil itu seharusnya sedang dicuci oleh Rudi 
                           Should the car be being washed by Rudi tomorrow?

                           Mobil itu tidak seharusnya sedang dicuci oleh Rudi 
                           The car should not be being washed by Rudi besok

                           Kapan mobil itu seharusnya sedang dicuci oleh Rudi?
                           When should the car be being washed by Rudi?


Write the following sentences in English!

  1. Rudi tidak mungkin ada di sekolah besok pagi
  2. Dia pasti ada di rumahnya besok pagi
  3. Dia akan sibuk sekali di garasinya
  4. Dia akan mencuci mobilnya di garasi besok
  5. Dia tidak mungkin sedang mencuci mobilnya sendirian
  6. Pembantunya pasti sedang membantunya besok
  7. Mobilnya mungkin tidak dicuci oleh Rudi setiap hari
  8. Mobil itu tidak mungkin dicuci olehnya setiap hari
  9. Mobil itu seharusnya dicuci olehnya setiap hari
10.Rudi tidak seharusnya mencuci mobilnya setiap hari.
11. Mobilnya sebaiknya dicuci olehnya seminggu sekali.
12. Jika Rudi sibuk, pembantunya seharusnya mencuci mobil itu.


Use “be” to complete the sentences if nessecary!

  1. Bob can’t ….. at his office tomorrow morning
  2. He must ….. in his garage tomorrow morning
  3. He will ….. busy with his car tomorrow
  4. His car ….. dirty. He must ….. wash it
  5. The car will not ….. washed by Bob alone
  6. The servant will ….. helping him wash the car
  7. The car should not ….. washed once a month
  8. Bob ought to ….. wash the car if it ….. dirty
  9. Bob needn’t ….. wash the car alone if he ….. busy
10 His servant can ….. help him wash the car
11. Bob will ….. washing the car alone tomorrow
12. The servant ….. sick. He cannot ….. help him wash the car


Put the verb in bracket into the correct form!

1. I shall ……….. the car in the garage tomorrow (repair)
2. The car must be ………. soon because I need it
3. John can’t be ……….. the car because he is not a mechanic
4. Rudi will be ……….. the car at 7 o’clock tomorrow
5. I needn’t ……….. the car myself  tomorrow
6. The car will be ……….. by Rudi because he is a mechanic
7. Rudi has ……….. the car. You can use it now
8. I should ……….. the car myself if I have time
9. The car should not be ……….. by anyone if I were you
10. I will be ……….. the car alone tomorrow morning

Fill in with : CAN, MAY, MUST, SHALL, WILL, HAVE, HAS,  
                       HAD, NEED, COULD, MIGHT. Add "be" if necessary

  1. It …….. rain. You'd better take an umbrella just in case
  2. The homework is difficult. I …….. not do it myself. I …….. ask my friend 
      for help
  3. He …….. come to the party if you invite him
  4. You …….. study hard if you want to pass the exams with  flying colours
  5. The buses are all full. We …….. to go by taxi, or we …….. late for the train
  6. We …….. not drive so fast. We have plenty of time
  7. He …….. living in London for 10 years. That's why he …….. speak English 
  8. I …….. 25 years old next month. …….. you come to my birthday?
  9. Joko is absent today. He …….. ill. I am not sure. Let's go and see him, 
      …….. we?
10. You …….. not shout when you are speaking to me. I am not deaf
11. The car won’t start. It …….. repaired soon because my father …….. use 
      the car today to fetch my brother at the airport
12. I …….. swim very well when I was young
13. The car broke down last night, so I …….. to go home by taxi
14. They …….. thirsty again! They have just had coke after the meal
15. Mary …….. sleeping now. She …….. studying because the teacher …….. 
      give at test tomorrow
16. You …….. working very hard. You …….. tired. You ……..  take  a rest for a 
17. You …….. hungry again! You have just had lunch, haven't you?
18. John …….. studying English now. I’m sure of that because there …….. an 
      English test at school.
19. I have finished my work. …….. I go home now?
20. A : The weather is very hot. …….. I open the windows for you?
      B : Thank you. That's very kind of you
21. The car broke down. …….. you repair it for me, please!
22. …….. you open the windows for me, please! It is very hot in here
23. Bob is very fat. He …….. not run fast, so we …….. to be patient
24. Hari made a lot of mistakes in the test. He …….. not undersand the
25. Students …….. not smoke in the school-building. If they dare to
      smoke, they …….. punished by the teacher

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