Friday, January 27, 2012


Oleh : Drs. Tony Sartono Asmara

Kata kerja berakhiran -ING  dapat disebut Present Participle atau Gerund.
Contoh :
Present Participle             Gerund

                                 crying      singing               swimming  reading
                                 bleeding  winding               waiting       walking

Perbedaannya :

Present Participle berfungsi sebagai Adjective (kata Sifat) yaitu menerangkan Noun (kata benda) sedangkan Gerund berfungsi sebagai Noun (kata benda) dan letaknya pada posisi Subject atau Object. Baik Present Participle maupun Gerund dapat digunakan untuk membentuk kata benda majemuk.


     Letak Present Participle

   Sebagai Adjective (kata sifat), Present participle dapat menerangkan kegiatan atau keadaan kata benda. Letaknya ada dua, yaitu :

     1. Sebelum kata benda (Attributive). Bertugas membentuk kata benda 
         Contoh :

Kata benda majemuk
A crying boy    (anak yang sedang menangis)     (menerangkan kegiatan)   
A singing bird (burung yang sedang berkicau)    (menerangkan kegiatan)
A bleeding child (anak yang  berlumuran darah) (menerangkan keadaan)
A winding road (jalan yang  berbelok-belok)        (menerangkan keadaan)

    2. Sesudah to be (Predicative) Bertugas membentuk kata kerja 
        Continuous tenses.
        Contoh :

            The boy is crying loudly
The bird is singing on the branch of a tree
The child was bleeding when I saw him yesterday
The road is winding and long

    3. Sesudah kata-kata kerja yang berhubungan dengan panca indra, seperti : hear, listen to, see, look at, watch, notice,observe, feel, smell. Juga setelah kata-kata kerja yang tidak berhubungan dengan panca indra, seperti : catch, find, keep, leave.
         Contoh :

I saw him repairing the car alone yesterday
I watched the boy playing football in the yard this morning
I found the begger sleeping under the tree
The teacher caught the student opening his notebook during the test

   4.  Sesudah kata benda. Bertugas menyederhanakan klausa Adjective yang menggunakan kata sambung WHO dan WHICH.
         Contoh :

The man wanted to meet you. The man came here yesterday
The man who came here yesterday wanted to meet you

Kata sambung WHO pada kalimat diatas dapat dihilangkan dengan syarat kata kerjanya, yaitu came harus diubah ke dalam bentuk present participle.

The man coming here yesterday wanted to meet you

The dog belongs to John. The dog ran after me yesterday
The dog which ran after me yesterday belongs to John

Kata sambung WHICH pada kalimat diatas dapat dihilangkan dengan syarat kata kerja-nya, yaitu ran harus diubah ke dalam bentuk present participle.

The dog running after me yesterday belongs to John

    5. Di awal kalimat.Bertugas menyederhanakan Adverb Clause of 
        Time, Reason, Condition

        Contoh :

While he was repairing the car, he found a wallet full of money
Repairing the car, he found a wallet full of money
After he had repaired the car, he took a rest under the tree.
Having repaired the car, he took a rest under the tree
If he repairs the car now, he can use it again this afternoon
Repairing the car now, he can use it again this afternoon
Because he repaired the car alone, he took a long time to finish it
Repairing the car alone, he took a long time to finish it
Because he did not repair the car, he could not go anywhere
Not repairing the car, he could not go anywhere
Because he was sick, he could not repair the car
Being sick, he could not repaired the car

    6. Di awal atau di akhir kalimat. Bertugas untuk menggantikan kalimat atau induk kalimat jika :

a. Ada dua kejadian yang subjectnya sama terjadi secara bersamaan.
    Contoh :

He walked away. He whistled as he went
He walked away whistling

Disini present participle boleh ditempatkan di muka, yaitu:

Whisting, he walked away

     b. Ada satu  kejadian  yang segera disusul oleh kejadian  lain yang subjectnya sama, maka kejadian yang pertama dapat dinyatakan dengan present participle dan harus  disebutkan lebih dahulu.
         Contoh :

He opened the door. He threw the rubbish outside.
Opening the door, he threw the rubbish outside

     c. Kejadian kedua  merupakan bagian atau akibat dari  kejadian yang pertama, maka kejadian kedua dinyatakan dengan present participle.
         Contoh :

He went out. He slammed the door
He went out slamming the door

The police fired. They wounded one of the burglars
The police fired wounding one of the burglars


Sebagai kata benda, Gerund letaknya pada posisi Subject atau Object. Tetapi gerund juga dapat digunakan untuk membentuk kata benda majemuk. Letaknya adalah sebelum kata benda intinya (Attributive) dan berfungsi menerangkan kata benda inti.Yang diterangkannya adalah fungsi atau kegunaan dari kata benda intinya.
Contoh :
Kata benda majemuk
A swimming-pool (kolam renang)        (menerangkan gunanya kolam)
A waiting-room (ruang tunggu)            (menerangkan gunanya ruangan)
A reading-lamp (lampu baca)              (menerangkan gunanya lampu)
A dining-room (ruang makan)              (menerangkan gunanya ruangan)


Past Participle adalah kata kerja bentuk ke 3, seperti : broken, stolen, married, surprised, bored, impressed, hidden, troubled

Past Participle dapat berfungsi sebagai kata sifat (Adjective), yaitu menerangkan kata benda (Noun).

     Letak Past Participle

     1. Sebelum kata benda (Attributive), membentuk kata benda majemuk.
         Contoh :
                                    A broken heart
                                    A stolen car
                                    A married woman
                                    A hidden proof

    2. Sesudah to be (Predicative), membentuk kalimat Passive.
        Contoh :
My car was stolen last night
The proof was hidden by thecriminal

    3. Sesudah kata-kata kerja yang berhubungan dengan panca indra, seperti : hear,listen to, see, look at, watch, notice, observe, feel, smell.Juga setelah kata-kata kerja yang tidak berhubungan dengan panca indra, seperti : catch, find, keep,leave.

         Contoh :

I saw the car repaired by him alone yesterday
I looked at the injured man taken to the hospital last night
I caught the boy bitten black and blue by him

    4. Sesudah kata benda. Bertugas menyederhanakan klausa Adjective yang mengguna-kan  kata sambung WHO dan WHICH
         Contoh :

The man is my brother. The man was introduced to you  last night
The man who was introduced to you last night is my brother

Kata sambung WHO pada kalimat diatas dapat dihilangkan dengan syarat kata sambung-nya yaitu WHO berikut to benya harus dihilangkan.

The man introduced to you last night is my brother

The car belongs to me. The car was repaired by John last night
The car which was repaired by John last night belongs to me

Kata sambung WHICH padakalimat diatas dapat dihilangkan dengan syarat kata sambungnya yaitu WHICH berikut to benya harus dihilangkan.

The car repaired by John last night belongs to me

    5. Di awal kalimat. Bertugas menyederhanakan Adverb Clause of Time, 

        Contoh :

When the car was repaired by him, the car blew up
Repaired by him, the car blew up
After the car had been repaired by him, the car could be used again
Having been repaired by him, the car could be used again
If the car is repaired now, the car can be used again this afternoon
Repaired now, the car can be used again this afternoon
Because the car was repaired in a hurry, the car broke down again
Repaired in a hurry, the car broke down again

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